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Tuesday, September 14, 2010



轉眼間已經到了九月,再過不久,10月11月韓國的各大頒獎禮開始提名及投票。這是反映今年在歌謠活動的一個成績單,我們為了四輯的付出也是到了回報的時 候了。Times flies, and it is already September.  In mid-October to November, all the Korean music year-end awards will start nominating and voting for singers. These awards are going to reflect the performance of Korean singers of the year, and how much effort we have put for supporting the 4th album.


There are a few year-end awards:

(1)目前不清楚今年到底是MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards),還是MKMF(全稱 Mnet KM Music Festival),但其性質不改變,都是由MENT主辦的。由於SM和MENT的交惡,SM 認為MENT對於獎項存在黑幕與不公平,於是今年SM宣布旗下藝人將不會參加此一頒獎禮。

Still not sure if it is MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards) or MKMF (Mnet KM Music Festival) this year, but its feature hasn't changed, and is still hosted by MNET.  Since SM and MNET have a poor relationship because of MNET's unfairness, SM has announced that all of its artists are not going to attend Mnet's award-giving ceremony.

(2)金唱片,可以說是SUJU最為看重的頒獎禮,其唱片大賞是他們今年的最大目標。金唱片的唱片獎不只是發表數量,更是這唱片愛到了國民的認同,有更大 的意義。希澈說過最重要的還是唱片賣得好,還說今年拿了大賞,獲獎感言時,我們晟敏會哭給大家看等等之類的發言,可以看出他們對金唱片的重視。

Golden Disk is seen as the most important award for Super Junior, and it is their ultimate goal of the year. It reflects not only the sales volume, but also the recognition from Koreans. Heechul said that the most important thing is the sales of the album, and if they got the Grand Prize of the year, when they give their vote of thanks, Sung-min will cry for us, etc.  These show that they value the Grand Prize very much.


Seoul Music Awards concludes the performance of Korean singers of the year.  Singers who get the Grand Prize is the most active, outstanding and national artist of the year, and is highly recognized by the Koreans.  Therefore, it is a very important awarding ceremony.



The end of the year is coming, and it is time for us to be busy again, for voting for SJ.  In order to be fair, Golden Disk has blocked foreign IPs, so only Korean IPs can vote for Golden Disk, and so for foreign ELFs, the only thing we could do it to boost the album sales once more.

不要認為我們現在銷量第一,就穩坐第一了。任何事情沒有絕對,在沒有定論之前,一切都存在著變數。要知道在韓國多少人不看好SJ,有多少人覺得SJ FLOP了,已經是一個三流的團隊了。

Don't think that we are at the top of the sales chart now, and so we will definitely get the Grand Prize. There can be many changes before the conclusion. A lot of people in Korea are looking down upon SJ, that SJ is not the mainstream.

SJ成員經常說 “在海外我們才能感覺到人氣”,可見他們在韓國的地位。可是SJ的成員們沒有放棄,他們帶另外三位成員一起努力,給了我們四輯,也在我們的努力中,讓在一片質疑聲中,四輯目前為止取得了不錯的成績。

【利特:有很多人都說我們到了盡頭, 但我仍然堅信這是一個新的開始。】

【希澈:相信我們跟隨我們的人, 雙手小心拿起專輯, 有衝突力但謙虛地叫起來吧! SJ就是SJ。】 

【銀赫:雖然這次四輯的舞台上只有10名, 但請大家一定不要忘記,SUJU永遠是一體。】

【東海:別人說的什麼, 我聽見的什麼, 都不想關心。13&ELF。】

The members always say "We only feel our popularity when we are overseas", this tells us the position of SJ in Korean music industry.  But SJ never gives up, they put the other 3 members' effort together, and give us the 4th album.  And with our effort, even though there are many rumors and doubts, the 4th album still has a good result.

【Leeteuk:Many people think that it's the end for us already, but I still believe this is a new start.】

【Heechul:The one who believe us and follow us, hold your albums firmly, yell proudly but with a modest heart! SJ is SJ.】

【Eunhyuk:There's only 10 members on the stage, but please don't forget that SJ is 1 forever.】

【Donghae:Whatever they say, whatever I heard, I don't care. 13&ELF.】


Actually,all the champions and success that we had before are not going to help us.  Whether the 4th Album is a success or not, it still depends on the results in year-end awards.


ELF has been with SJ for years.


We have tears more than anyone,


and we sweat more than anyone.


We had gone through so much, even life and death.


We had faced a lot of challenges,


but we stand even firmer.


I believe ELFs are the best, and we can give SJ all we can.


ELF will never leave SJ.  We will never stop until sapphire blue ocean covers the whole world.


For the 13 of them, We will get the 2nd Golden Disk Grand Prize.After the 4th album, Lee-teuk and Hee-chul are getting into the army, as a responsible Korean citizen. And before they leave, they really want to get the Grand Prize, so that there won't be any regret.


Kang-in, we promise to wait for him for 2 years.  Before he got into the army, he didn't forget SJ, and hoped that everyone who supports him can continue to support SJ.  Because of him, we have to work hard, fight for the Grand Prize, and tell him that the honor is also for him, Kim Young-woon.


Ki-bum, although we haven't seen him for a long time, we know that he is striving for his dream.  Though we know that the reality behind is not that simple, you have your reasons, and we will also fight for you.  It is because you are still SJ's member.


Han-geng, you were SJ's member, and forever you will be.  In your life there is the unforgettable memories you had with SJ. We pray for you as you're now home, but we still want you to know that ELF will be here forever.  ELF will be by SJ's side all the time, we will never desert SJ.

在年末會有很多的人再次衝擊銷量,只為了自己的IDOL,(再次我們不討論其他藝人)我們也不能落下,我們要在保持優勢的同時,拉開更大的距離,讓韓國的 人好好看看,SJ永遠都不會FLOP,ELF一直在不停的刷新自己的記錄,創造更好的成績! 雖然金唱片是所有版本都算,但是首爾歌謠只算A版,所以最關鍵的還是A版。 所以請有能力的海外ELF,盡量再次去團購A版四輯。

During the end of the year, a lot of people will boost the album sales again for their idols, so we should not lag behind.  As we are keeping up with our current position, we must maximize the sales difference with the group right after us.  Let all Koreans know that SJ is not going to fall, and ELF continues to make new records, better records than ever. Golden Disk counts all the versions, but Seoul Music Awards only counts version A, so version A is the key of success. Therefore, we hope that all capable foreign ELFs to bulk order/purchase Korean Version A of Bonamana once again.


Bulk order means buying brand new albums from Korea stores, but not the one from your countries, or the second-hand albums from someone. These albums will not be counted into sales. It's meaningless to buy them.


We are not in advantage for Version A, so we hope that we can maximize the sales difference of our album with the other groups, and make 2010 the real SJ year, make them the first artist to get Golden Disk Grand Prize in two consecutive years, let them know how much ELF loves them, and let them know that : We are here forever...

【我愛你們  感謝你們  永遠記得你們】

【We love you   Thank you   Always remember you】


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