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Thursday, July 26, 2012




Nichhun 7月26日在自己的推特上留言:“我因为不负责的行动写下这封道歉信,写给受伤的人、他的家人、韩国大众、我的粉丝、JYPE家人工作人员、2PM成员以及所有受到影响的人。我背叛了人们给我的关爱和支持,这样的行动不值得那些关爱和支持。我觉得需要一些时间重新思考我的行动和我自己,让自己成为一个更好的人并永远不再重复同样的错误。令人们失望,我真心感到惭愧,和深深的抱歉。”

原文:I would like to write this letter of apology for such an irresponsible act. To the injured person, his family, the people of Korea, my fans, JYPE family and staffs, 2PM members, and all the people this situation has affected. I have betrayed the ones who have given me their love and support, the love and support I don’t deserve with such behavior. I feel the need to take some time off to re-think about my action and myself, to make myself a better person and never again repeat the same mistake. I am truly ashamed that I have disappointed so many, and I am deeply sorry.

Nichkhun 7月24日上午因酒后驾驶发生交通事故,经纪公司JYP娱乐表示公司会餐中简单了喝了1、2杯啤酒程度的Nichkhun在返回宿舍途中遇摩托车相撞,不仅是本人公司也粗心失误并道歉。今后会诚实面对调查。


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